Frequently Asked Questions for Participating Organizations

Organizations participating in the ExtraGive must meet these criteria to participate in the event:

  1. Be registered as a 501c3 with the Bureau of Charitable Organizations
  2. Serve residents of Lancaster County
  3. Provide an audit or independent financial review
  4. Provide a nondiscrimination policy as is consistent with their legal requirements.

General Questions

Why is the Lancaster County Community Foundation hosting the ExtraGive for local community benefit organizations (nonprofits)?

We are invested in celebrating and bringing awareness to the community benefit organizations that make our community a vibrant place for us to live, work, and play. Community benefit organizations play a huge role in all our lives and as a Community Foundation, we are deeply dedicated to supporting the good work that they do through our Community Endowment. The aim of ExtraGive is to:

  • Raise the level of knowledge about community benefit organizations in our county and highlight their positive impact on our well-being.
  • Support the operating needs of community benefit organizations that serve Lancaster County through a Stretch Pool and prizes made possible by our presenting sponsors the High Foundation and Murry Foundation, and other community supporters.
  • Invite new donors to support a cause they care about. By growing the base of engaged donors in Lancaster, we can introduce new donors to our community benefit organizations.
  • Spotlight the charitable trends in our community. Where are we giving? What are our community benefit organizations saying is vital and needed right now?

* To learn more about the Lancaster County Community Foundation, visit us at: www.lancfound.org.

When is the ExtraGive?

The ExtraGive will take place on Friday, November 22, 2024 from 12am to 11:59:59pm, Eastern Time.

What is the deadline to sign up for the ExtraGive?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 is the final day to apply. Because we are legally required to check the validity of 501(c)(3) status, review supporting documents, and provide time to set up your personalized donation page, the deadline for application to participate in ExtraGive is Tuesday, October 15, 2024. No exceptions. Register by Monday, September 9, 2024 to have a chance to be randomly selected for an additional $1,000 “Early Bird” prize. Please visit www.extragive.org/apply to start your application.

Can any community benefit organization participate in ExtraGive?

If you are a 501(c)(3) public charity that is sub classified as 509a1, 509a2, or 509a3 (Type 1, Type 2, or Type 3 Functionally Integrated supporting organization), you are eligible to apply for participation.

Participating organizations must meet these basic criteria*:

  1. Be a certified 501c3 organization
  2. Have an independent audit or financial review
  3. Serve residents of Lancaster County
  4. Have a nondiscrimination policy as is consistent with the organization's legal requirements

There are no restrictions based on organization size or location.

*Details of these requirements include:

  • Certification by the organization that it has current state registrations to raise funds (in PA the registration is with the Bureau of Charitable Organizations or “BCO”). Some types of organizations are exempt- check with the PA department of state if you are unsure. If you need to verify your status, call or email the Bureau directly at: Toll-free: (800) 732-0999 / ST-CHARITY@pa.gov
  • Certification by the organization that it prepares and submits to the IRS a complete copy of the organization’s IRS Form 990 annually.
  • Has had an independent audit or financial review completed on or after 12/31/21 (an upload is required).
  • Has an organizational nondiscrimination policy (an upload is required) consistent with the organization's legal requirements. Please see last page of FAQs for Federal guide to best practices around nondiscrimination polices.
  • Must be able to confirm additional certifications during the registration process around 501(c)(3) governance and federal compliance.
  • Agrees to be a participant in the ExtraGive and abides by the guidelines of the program.

Your organization will be verified by our team and notified if you are eligible to participate.

Why am I required to upload a nondiscrimination policy during the application process?

One of the goals of ExtraGive is to strengthen our community by connecting donors with useful, relevant information about the causes and organizations they support. Like having an independent audit or financial review, it is a best practice for an organization in the community benefit sector to have an organizational nondiscrimination policy in its hiring and promotion. This document helps demonstrate the organization’s commitment to not allow discrimination based on any characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law or regulation. Donors will have the freedom to choose to view your document if they are interested.  The Community Foundation does not require specific verbiage and is not doing any legal analysis of organizational approaches.

We are a small organization with few employees; do we need a nondiscrimination policy?

Yes. We require that organizations of every size certify that they have a nondiscrimination policy. Federal and state mandates vary based on number of employees and type of organization. We believe nondiscrimination is important for our entire community regardless of the size of your organization, so we require every participating organization to submit a policy.

We are a faith-based organization; do we need a nondiscrimination policy?

Yes. We recognize and accept that some organizations may be exempt from certain legal requirements related to nondiscrimination under a "ministerial exception” or as a religious organization or religious educational institution as outlined by law. We further recognize and accept that some institutions may hold the position that they are exempt from certain legal requirements under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act or comparable state law. However, we do require all organizations to share their nondiscrimination policy as is consistent with its legal requirements.  

How does the ExtraGive stretch pool work for participating community benefit organizations?

It’s all about donors, donors, donors!

The stretch pool of funds from the Foundation, our presenting sponsors the High Foundation, Murry Foundation, as well as other community supporters will be focused solely on the number of unique donors to your organization. The more donors you secure, the more bonus funds you will receive. For example, if your organization’s unique donor count is 1% of all unique donors from all organizations participating in ExtraGive, then your organization will receive 1% of the stretch pool.

A unique donor is intended to be defined as one individual. The primary method of determining a unique donor is the email address used when donating; HOWEVER, we do utilize other data analysis techniques to ensure fair play. The Community Foundation reserves the right to address discrepancies and makes the final determination regarding the number of unique donors to an organization.

We hope this approach will continue to encourage organizations to invite new donors that will be part of our local giving ecosystem for the future.

How is a donor counted if that donor gives to multiple organizations?

If a donor gives to your organization and 4 others, that donor will be counted as a unique donor to each of those 5 organizations. If a donor gives 4 times to your organization, that donor will be counted as 1 unique donor for your organization.

Is the Foundation charging organizations to participate?


Is the Foundation keeping any revenue from the project?

No. As a matter of fact, in addition to the stretch pool, the Foundation, presenting sponsors the High Foundation, Murry Foundation, as well as other corporate partners have committed to a prize pool and a stretch pool. Additionally, the Foundation has committed over $200,000 to cover all the hard costs of this project as well as staff time.

Are there fees associated with donations given through the ExtraGive?

As with any credit card transaction, there are the typical transaction fees assessed by the credit card companies as well as the technology platform and processing costs to execute the event. A fee of 4.99% per donation is assessed to cover these costs. This means that 95.01% of each donation is designated for your organization in the 24-hour period! The Foundation keeps NO fees from this event. Donors may also opt to cover the entire transaction fee if they wish-- which means more dollars back to your cause! As in the past, donors will receive a tax deduction on the full donation amount, including any covered fees.

Why do I have to provide personally identifying information when registering my organization?

Our platform provider, Bonterra/GiveGab, adheres to the highest security measures to ensure your information is protected. They have partnered with Stripe as our payment processor and underwriter for nonprofit verification. Stripe is a PCI Service Provider Level 1- the most stringent level of security certification possible. We encourage you to read through their security documentation on their website: https://stripe.com/help/security.

The following resource explains why Bonterra/GiveGab asks for this identifying information, and how it is handled once it is entered: https://support.givegab.com/en/articles/348530-why-do-you-require-personal-information-to-enable-donations

Any information submitted via Bonterra/GiveGab’s secure forms, including driver's license information, is deleted as soon as the information is verified. Bonterra/GiveGab requires a driver’s license only to ensure the administrator is who s/he says they are. A driver’s license is also required if you wish to update your organization’s bank account information, much like opening a bank account. This is part of their standard process to verify identity.

Finally, Bonterra/GiveGab forces HTTPS to ensure a secure connection whenever your organization’s administrator is on the GiveGab site, a donor is making a donation, or someone is just volunteering.

What support will the Foundation be giving participant organizations?

Continued this year will be ExtraGive webinars hosted by our technology partner, Bonterra/GiveGab, that are designed to build capacity for your organization for ExtraGive and beyond. Additionally, the Foundation will be marketing ExtraGive to a wide audience utilizing advertising and media partners to heavily promote the event.

There will be social media kits available to participating community benefit organizations and a customizable donation page.

What kinds of prizes are awarded and what is a "Golden Ticket"?

With a variety of prizes offered during the day, an organization can win multiple prizes, but only one prize per category.

A Golden Ticket is an opportunity for your organization to receive an additional $500 on the day of ExtraGive. Throughout the day on November 22, donors will be chosen at random from the online donations made through Extragive.org to have an additional $500 given to the organization that received their donation. Golden Tickets are in addition to any portion of the stretch pool an organization receives.

You will also want to stay tuned to Extragive.org for new opportunities to participate and win prizes in 2024.

Do donors need to be fund holders/members of the Foundation to participate in ExtraGive?

No. Anyone with an Internet connection and a credit card can donate on the day of the ExtraGive.

Do organizations need to have a permanent endowment with the Community Foundation to participate in ExtraGive?

No. Your organization does not have to be an endowment fund holder to participate.

What will my organization’s personalized web page look like on Extragive.org?

In addition to a giving array of donation levels, personalized giving pages will show your logo, pictures and video of your choosing, your mission statement, brief description of services, and a link to your nondiscrimination policy document. YOU provide the content of the page during and after the application process. Your page will not be able to accept donations for ExtraGive until November 22. However, you will be able to see and modify your organization’s profile information up to the day before the event and have access to your donation link (URL) to distribute in advance.

When can my organization promote the event?

We encourage heavy promotion through your Facebook, X, email newsletters, and mail campaigns to start 4- 6 weeks out from November 22. Promotional vehicles used by participating organizations will be at the organization’s own expense.

Promotions conducted by the Community Foundation will be heavy during the 30 days leading up to the event with extensive media coverage in the week leading up to November 22. ExtraGive downloadable social media toolkits are available in late summer.

What are the minimum and maximum donation amounts per donor?

The minimum donation of $10 is here to stay! We know how important it is to attract new donors to your cause- and you’ve told us that it’s one of the most difficult tasks you face. A lower donation minimum helps expose your cause to new donors who may want to start a relationship with your organization. We also know that at the $10 level, the joy of giving is opened up to more types of donors, including younger donors and those who are unable to give at higher donation levels.

Is there a cap on the number of donations my organization can receive?

No. The sky’s the limit! However, it is prohibited for participant organizations to donate from their own organization to their own organization or for a parent company to donate to their own participating corporate foundation.

What are offline gifts?

Organizations have the option of accepting donations of $10,000- $100,000 per donor using methods other than credit cards on November 22. This can be accomplished via a Donor Advised Fund distribution, an IRA Charitable rollover, appreciated stock, or a regular check to the Foundation. Donor advised fund holders and legacy donors of the Foundation may give an Offline Gift in any amount! The Offline Gift and the form must be received by the Foundation no later than Friday, November 15 to allow us time to process prior to ExtraGive on November 22. No exceptions. Find the Offline Gifts Form located in the Toolkit. Giving by credit card on the day of the event is always preferred!

Because Offline Gifts that are submitted through the technology platform are awarded stretch pool dollars and are eligible for prizes, they are also assessed a technology platform and transaction fee. The fee will be only 1% for Offline Gifts. This will be reflected in your organization’s final report and grant payment from the Foundation.

All other donations MUST be made by credit card through the Extragive.org website and designated to the participating organization between the hours of 12:00am to 11:59:59pm, November 22, 2024.

How does the Sponsor Match work?

The Sponsor Match is back, with a total of $100,000 allowed! Sponsor Match allows your organization to partner for extra dollars with local businesses or individual donors and is an optional feature for participating organizations.

  • YOU approach a sponsor or businesses directly for a donation and those businesses (or individual sponsor) write a check directly to your organization.
  • Your organization cashes the check and sends the tax acknowledgement.
  • You complete the “Manage Sponsor Match” section on your dashboard profile page and include business logos or sponsor pictures if you would like.
  • Multiple matches are OK- up to $100,000 total, with a minimum amount of $1,000 per match.
  • The technology platform will track online donations on November 22. As the goal is reached, the “match” is added to your organization’s total automatically and will reflect on the leaderboard.
  • Because Sponsor Matches that are submitted through the technology platform are awarded stretch pool dollars and are eligible for prizes, they are also assessed a technology platform and transaction fee. The fee will be only 1% for Sponsor Matches. This will be reflected in your organization’s final report and grant payment from the Foundation.
  • Sponsor Matches may be audited by the Foundation at any time to ensure fair play. Keep a copy of your backup!

Receiving Donations

Will donations go directly to my organization the day of the event?

Donations received on the day of ExtraGive will be made to the Lancaster County Community Foundation but will be granted back to your organization after stretch dollars and prize dollars (if any) are applied.

When will my organization receive our share from the ExtraGive?

Within 60 days of event close, the Foundation will provide your organization with payment via ACH in the amount of total donations received on behalf of your organization-net of credit card and technology fee-plus the organization’s share of the stretch pool and any prize amounts (if applicable). Although not anticipated, this window of time will enable donors to review their credit card statements so that any charge backs due to donor error in keying in information or amounts can be resolved. Organizations that submitted bank account information last year to receive the ACH will need to verify that the information is still correct this year.

Will my organization receive donor contact information?

Yes, each participating organization receives its donor lists through an online dashboard that includes contact and amount information for their specific donors. The link will be “live” commensurate with the start of the event and will be stored for access post-event. You will be able to see your organization’s donations as they are received. Donors will be notified at the time of their donation that contact information will be provided to your organization and that they have the option of remaining anonymous. Donor information is NEVER given or sold to a third party.

What will the Foundation do with donor information?

We aspire to embolden extraordinary community. Beyond the grant investments we make in the community, we educate about the importance of endowment giving and leaving a legacy to favorite causes through wills and other planned gifts. In our 100-year history, we have never conducted an annual fundraising campaign in competition with our community benefit partners and do not have plans to do so.

Donors participating in ExtraGive may receive standard newsletters from the Foundation from time to time promoting ExtraGive as well as information on donor education events or the use of gift vehicles to support their favorite causes.

Will donors receive a receipt at the time they make the online contribution?

Yes, a formal email tax acknowledgement from the Foundation will be sent automatically as soon as the donation is made. The donor will see “Extragive” on their credit card statement. For added convenience, donors who give to multiple organizations at the same time will be able to get a consolidated receipt. Please direct any questions or issues about donations or refunds to extragiveinfo@lancfound.org or use the "blue chat bubble" on Extragive.org.

Should my organization also send a tax acknowledgement letter?

No. Legally, the Foundation must issue all donor acknowledgements for tax purposes, and they will be issued to the donor via email immediately after the donation. The participating organization may issue a separate informal “thank you” but should not issue the formal tax acknowledgement that references the donation amount, except as noted for Sponsor Matches.

Are my donor’s transactions secure?

Our technology partner, Bonterra/GiveGab, has conducted many giving days for community foundations nationwide and is a recognized technology leader for match fundraising initiatives of this type. Credit card transactions are secure, backed by a PCI Level 1 secure service provider certification.

Does approval to participate in ExtraGive mean that the Foundation endorses the participant’s mission and programs?

The Foundation does not screen or select organizations based on their charitable purposes or missions. Therefore, approval of an organization’s participation does not constitute an endorsement of the organization or its mission by the Foundation or any of our partners.

Organization eligibility is based on verification of multiple criteria including, but not limited to: serving residents of Lancaster County, current status as a recognized Section 501(c)(3) tax-exempt public charity, compliance with applicable Federal and state laws, providing documentation of operational transparency through an independent audit or review, and uploading of organizational nondiscrimination policy that is consistent with their legal requirements.

Each organization’s page provides its mission, but not necessarily detailed information on all its programs. For your additional research, each organization’s page includes a link to their website to provide more information on programs and use of funds.

The Foundation is proud to support thousands of donors as they come together to give to their favorite organizations or to new causes that align with their passions and values.


The Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any community benefit organization from participating in the event and/or receiving stretch pool dollars and/or prize at any time before, during, or after the event, if, in its sole discretion, it believes that there has been a breach of these rules and/or deception on the part of the organization.

In addition, the Foundation will not knowingly make grants to nonprofits that the Foundation believes, in its sole discretion, intend to support or engage in hateful activities, whether online or offline.


I have more questions!

We are here to answer your questions. REMEMBER: There is a “chat box” option on Extragive.org and links to official rules and the application questions. Feel free to go to Extragive.org and use the chat box to ask questions or get help with filling out your organizational profile. This is the quickest, most convenient way to get a response. You may also still email extragiveinfo@lancfound.org or call us at 717-397-1629.

Emboldening extraordinary community since 1924, Lancaster County Community Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization.

Download FAQ’s as a PDF

Nondiscrimination Policy Tips

For a webinar in the Extragive Toolkit on nondiscrimination policies hosted by Jennifer Craighead, partner in Barley Snyder’s Employment Practice Group, click HERE

Lancaster County Community Foundation's policy.

EEOC Nondiscrimination Policy and implementation Tips

(Source: https://www.eeoc.gov/employers/small-business/general-non-discrimination-policy-tips)

  • State that discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, disability, age (40 or older) or genetic information (including family medical history) is illegal and will not be tolerated. Provide definitions and examples of prohibited conduct, as needed.
  • State that you will provide reasonable accommodations (changes to the way things are normally done at work) to applicants and employees who need them for medical or religious reasons, as required by law.*
  • Explain how employees can report discrimination.
    • If possible, designate more than one person to receive and respond to discrimination complaints or questions.
    • Consider permitting employees to report discrimination to any manager.
  • State that employees will not be punished for reporting discrimination, participating in a discrimination investigation or lawsuit or opposing discrimination.
  • State that you will protect the confidentiality of employees who report discrimination or participate in a discrimination investigation, to the greatest possible extent.
  • Require managers and other employees with human resources responsibilities to respond appropriately to discrimination or to report it to individuals who are authorized to respond.
  • Provide for prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of complaints.
  • Provide for prompt and effective corrective and preventative action when necessary.
  • Consider requiring that employees who file internal complaints be notified about the status of their complaint, the results of the investigation and any corrective and preventative action taken.
  • Describe the consequences of violating the non-discrimination policy. *Federal, state and local laws may prohibit additional types of discrimination and/or require you to provide reasonable accommodations for other reasons. Federal, state and local government websites may have additional information about these laws.